Stairs leading to the showroom.

Voila! The showroom.

Lake Michigan looking south along Interstate 2.

Mackinaw Bridge in the background connecting the UP to the rest of Michigan. Thats a half loaf of bread tucked into the spare tire.

Conclusion: good trip but need to really refine some packing skills. Constantly rummaging through the gear to find whatever it was we were looking for ... well me anyway. Bikes were very top heavy too. Ya, found that out the hard way .... several times. Also found out it takes two to lift the mules off the ground. :) Had some issues with the headsets ... continually getting disconnected. Tents worked well. Sleeping bags were great! 0 degrees Celcius Sunday night and I was warm. :) Lastly, NEED TO GET RID OF SOME CRAP!!!!! Too much stuff and we thought we were being minimalistic.