Some other items are quick dry shirts, quick dry under wear and wicking socks. I also have 2 pairs of riding shorts, same thing used by pedal bikers to keep from getting sore spots on their butts. The shorts contain a "chamois" integrated into them. Tilley sun hat to keep from getting skin cancer and Buff head wear for the bad hair daze. Flip flops for the gross showers and hiking boots for exploring ancient ruins. Colour coded organizing bags help keep things "in line". Compression bags to reduce clothing volume. These things act as a zip lock bag and by rolling them up tightly the air is forced out of valves at the opposite end. They work surprisingly well.
Ortlieb and a Seal Line waterproof wide mouth duffles for all the clothing. The Ortlieb is a 90L and the Seal Line is a 75L. Ya, i know, i could pack the kitchen sink in there ... and maybe I will.
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